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 Sothi's GM APP

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PostSubject: Sothi's GM APP   Sothi's GM APP I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 09, 2008 9:56 pm

1. What is your real name ? Will Clark

2. How old are you ? 14

3. Which time zone you are in ( Ex., EST / PST ) EST

4. How many hours a day you can play ? Over 8 a day.

5. How many hours a week (approx) you can contribute to GM duty ? As long as i have something I'm Supposed to be doing Be it Tickets New zones custom instances ill work but once you say jsut do something then i get anxious and just kinda mess around ( thats usually when i start doing events.

6. Have you ever been a GM on any other Private servers? (do not say you were GM on your own server) I have Run 2 Server Co-Admin'd on 3 server and Gm'd on Hmm well to many to Remember

7. If Yes , What is the name of the server? (leave blank if you answered NO to question 6) Oh jeez Well My server but That doesn't Count as stated in question 6 I Co Admin'd RemixWoW, WoW hacks , and World of Goos, I also Was gm on Ill only name a few WoC WoWscape Ticket Answer Toxic-WoW GM (before it got really poular ) i played Counter strike with Co-admin

8. Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands ? Very good

9. Do you have a problem with authority ? If i think The authority is Incorrect then yes but as long as i think the authority is Doing things rightly then No i can listen.

10. What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to our server ? Heidi SQL Knowledge, WoW PvP balance Knowledge, Some Scripting, Experienced and a calm personality.

11. Imagine you are GM, and a player asks you to teach him his/her class missing skills, do you teach it? or do you ask her/him to make a ticket? Depends I would have to verify that the Skill IS not normally required Via talent Giving that player a Unfair Advantage if not then i would have to verify that the Spell that i would be teaching works properly and would not be unbalanced as a spell with same name but much more powerful. Also If the Server is large I would tell him to make a ticket Because thats unfair to players that are patient and wait for their turn for me to just go and answer some guy but if the server is small 40 people or less then i would just do it Given that the things stated above held true because on a server that small Tickets aren't really useful Tickets are used to give a equal fair way for GMs to help players without being overwhelmed with requests

12. How many times you posted on our forums? Very little I'm not real big on forums i Like to read the forums but not real big on posting on forums Personal thing =D

13. Imagine, you see a hacker, you got his name but not his IP or account name, whats your next move? If im a normal player i report it If im a GM i would just .kick (insert player name here) and if he loged on ( i would be invisible) if he hacks again i would Go into database find his name link it to a account and ban him. and if i saw someone else doing same hack i would see if IP's matched up then i would IP ban him Via DB

14. What is the most important in GM duty? Helping Players

15. What is your character name on our server? I'm Going to have several I'm going for SOthi , Necromance, SinnDrome and i might have other go on DB find one of those characters link it to a account and see what other characters i have if you want to find me also i can be reached through Aim - Amiraldrake

16. Do you have any experience with Ascent Emulator? Ascent Antrix and mangos I'm good with all.. Mostly Antrix and ascent tho I'm a little rusty on Mangos

17. Do you have experience as a gm on Ascent server? Yes

18. How much is 6 + (2x8) = ? (if you answer this question wrong, then your application wont be considered) LOL 6 + (2x8) = 22 or is it Purple? i cant tell

19. If a player says " I already put points in mortal strike, but i cant learn" , how do you verify if he actually telling the truth? The easiest way would be tell him to Mortal strike ( rank 1 ) me. Or SS it

20. What is the command to to activate game object? (not spawn) .go sel - .go activate ( and then add in the Object id Of course.)

21. What is the command to change NPC faction to Neutral? .npc fac ( insert a Neutral faction here like 35 )

22. What makes you think you are qualified to be a gm on FrostFury?
Experinced and Wiling to listen working hard and Very likable.
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PostSubject: Re: Sothi's GM APP   Sothi's GM APP I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 09, 2008 10:55 pm

Well, I'm not an admin (or probably not even gm anymore...don't ask) and cant say yes or no but I'm going to put my comments in...

- EST members are always good, time when most GMs aren't online (go USA) Razz

- Age might be a little low, Even though I'm only 17, i would say 16 be minimum

- You said "once you say just do something then i get anxious and just kinda mess around".....thats a big "WAIT A SECOND" comment... GMs are usually always busy for starters, second... making events without promission is probably not aloud (up to core/sham)... third.. messing around can lead to bad things happening unless you dont use any GM powers and use a regualr geared toon.... that comment just scared me for a second

- "I have Run 2 Server Co-Admin'd on 3 server and Gm'd on Hmm well to many to Remember"... Server Jumper?

- If you were GM on WoWscape, why would you leave?....that is one of the top servers... unless kicked for doing something wrong

Quote :
9. Do you have a problem with authority ? If i think The authority is Incorrect then yes but as long as i think the authority is Doing things rightly then No i can listen.
- Hmm, thats seems a little weird... If an admin tells you to do something, my guess is you do it no matter what, because an admin does whatever usually is best for the server (not talking about pvp though...sham...*lol*)

Quote :
18. How much is 6 + (2x8) = ? (if you answer this question wrong, then your application wont be considered) LOL 6 + (2x8) = 22 or is it Purple? i cant tell
- Worse thing to do in an app is mess around...

Well, everything else looks like an average answer, very nice... I give the app a 3 out of 5

Again, I'm not an admin, posting my opinion for core to maybe look at..

Even if you don't become GM, you can still have plenty of fun

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Join date : 2008-07-09

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PostSubject: Re: Sothi's GM APP   Sothi's GM APP I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 09, 2008 11:23 pm

Age - If you want you can ask MY Call Of Duty $ Clan They will tell you i cant really think of anyone else that has vent on the spot but i am always told i am very mature for my age

Messing around - I meant on a Normal toon but Your right GM's are usually busy so it hardly ever comes up anyway.

Not a Server jumper Just been playing Real WoW and Private servers since well reall wow since 2 weeks after release and private servers about 9 months after that so lol you can put in a good amount of Servers in 3+ yrs

I left WoWscape Because I didn't like the other GM's They were Douche bags ( mostly )

Authority - Well Yeah i probably would do it but i would put in my opinion EX ( Go make a Stairs Event zone in desolace ) i would answer Why desolace Pick somewhere where the sky isn't ugly and green it tires the eyes people are gonna dread it after a little while sitting up there and all u see is green everywhere I did int mean like go make a stair event NO SCREW U lol

Math joke - I cant resist throwing in sum humor here in there

And a little comment to the poster above You have a very Colorful post =D
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PostSubject: Re: Sothi's GM APP   Sothi's GM APP I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 10, 2008 9:41 pm

Currently full on GameMasters.

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PostSubject: Re: Sothi's GM APP   Sothi's GM APP I_icon_minitime

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